User Manual S200 WCS
Update August 2021
/Calibration/Calibration ORP/
The Redox (ORP) probe must be checked periodically. A buffer solution is used for this,
e.g. 475 mV. If there are deviations exc/- 10mV, a calibration of the Redox
probe should be carried out.
This calibration is a one point calibration. To do this you need a Redox buffer solution.
As standard, 475 mV has proven, for example.
6 . 5 . 1 C a l i b r a t i o n p r o c e s s w i t h b u f f e r s o l u t i o n f o r R e d o x p r o b e
The buffer solution, such as 475 mV, must be ready for the calibration.
1. If the Redox probe is used for control, the S200 control must be switched off before
removing the Redox probe.
2. Remove the Redox probe.
To remove the probe, the plug-in connection of the redox probe must be
disconnected. It is important to ensure that no moisture can penetrate into the
plug-in connection
3. Dry the Redox electrode with a soft paper towel before calibrating it.
4. Select the menu
“Calibrate ORP” as shown above.
5. Immerse the probe in the buffer solution.
The probe must be immersed deep enough so that the diaphragm (small round
dot on the glass shaft) is also immersed in the buffer solution.
6. Observe the display of the Redox (mV) value until the value has stabilized.
- Press the key and select the entry function. If necessary, adjust the value of the
buffer solution. Activate the calibration by pressing the
key and in addition
8. Rinse the probe with water and dry it with a soft paper towel.
9. Reinstall the Redox probe.
If the control was turned off, turn it on again.
The S200 recalculates the zero point deviation after each calibration.
6 . 5 . 1 . 1 C h e c k in g t h e s lo p e / z e r o p o i n t o f t h e R e d o x p r o b e
The current zero point deviation of the Redox probe is displayed in the calibration menu.