Pump: We recommend to use a pump with a power of at least 3,000 l/h (e. g. AB Aqua Medic
Ocean Runner 3500).
Water reservoir - water level in the filter tank
All open filter systems have to be planned in a way that in case of a circulation pump failure, they
can take up water flowing back from the aquarium without creating an overflow. The volume of
water is depending on the construction of the overflow device, the pump capacity and the
aquarium surface. The water volume can be calculated by taking the aquarium surface (length x
width) and the build-up above the overflow level respect. the overflow comb. In most cases, the
build-up is 3 cm.
During normal operation, the filter tank can only be filled to a height that this water volume is
taken up in case of emergency. The minimum water level is determined through the height of the
pump suction opening. It has to be made sure that the pump does not suck in any air. Otherwise,
fine air bubbles are blown into the water which create a lot of slurp noises. If the pump runs dry, it
may get damaged irreversibly. The water which evaporates within the aquarium, is only missed in
the filter chamber - in the aquarium itself, the water level will be maintained. For this reason, the
water level has to be controlled and replenished regularly. The refilling can be made easier by
using AB Aqua Medic aquaniveau in combination with a storage tank in order to keep the water
level constant. Nevertheless, it is suitable to mark minimum and maximum levels directly at the
We recommend to use only pre-treated tap water (reverse osmosis) for refilling.
Overflow chamber with
Drill hole
Outlet pipe
Trickle filter modules
Circulation pump
Inlet pipe to aquarium