A temporary stop of the foaming power is normal, if there aren’t any foam-forming substances in
the water anymore.
The skimmer foam is too strong, foam is too wet:
- water flow is too strong
2.3 Nitratereductor
Working principle of the Nitratereductor:
The flow rate through the Nitratereductor is very slow. The dissolved oxygen existing in the flowing
water is used by bacteria within short time. The result is oxygen deficiency. Under these
conditions, different bacteria are in the position to use other sources of oxygen: nitrate. This
consists of nitrogen and oxygen. The latter is breathed by the bacteria. A gas remains: Nitrogen.
2 NO3
3 O2
2 Nitrate
3 Nitrogen gas
3 oxygen
Nitrogen gas is a natural compound of air and totally harmless.
The Nitrate dismantling is only a pure breath procedure. Additionally, the bacteria also need food
like all other living beings
For this reason, the nitrate removing bacteria have to be fed with
organic substances. This food contains organic substances that can be used by the bacteria
completely. The only waste product is CO
Either the food Denimar or Deniballs can be used in the Nitratereductor.