Australian Pipeline Valve - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
and then post-weld testing of the valve should be performed. Larger size valves over 80 NB (3”) are less
likely to transmit heat to seat and stem packing during welding but still care should be taken. Valves
80NB (3”) & under must have PUP ends to avoid seat damage.
The below procedures should also be followed:
a) Always ensure there is no pressure or product in the line. Ball valves will be supplied with socket weld
ends to ANSI B16.11 or butt weld ends to ANSI B16.25. Welding should be done using procedures and
welders qualified under section IX of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code.
b) Always do as a low temperature weld as necessary to obtain a reliable connection. Use whatever
measure necessary to localise heat at the joint, dissipating it before damage can occur to adaptor
gaskets and/or seats (the main risk is seats). Use a tempil stick or other temperature indicator on the
outside of the valve body (centre section) directly adjacent to adapter end piece) being welded to
assure the body temperature does not increase 160°C. Always leave valve in open position during
welding but also at least 60 minutes after welding unit valve cools.
c) Where required APV will supply spare body gaskets. Graphite body gaskets are brittle so great care
should be taken not to damage.
The responsibility for welding of the valves into piping systems is that of those performing the welding.
Refer to ASME B31.1, B31.3 etc. Written welding procedures covering all attributes of the process and
materials to be welded shall be in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
and any additional requirements from the applicable piping code including any possible necessary
localised post weld heat treatment depending on material specifications.
3 . 0 O P E R A T I O N
Valve adjustment is by clockwise turning of stem. Lever operated and gear operated valves have a
position indicator to indicate open or closed (see figure 1). Ball Valves must not be used for throttling. Do
not leave part open, or seats will be damaged. Valve must be full open or full closed or damage to seats
or body will occur.
FIG 1.