APsystems ECU-3 V4 Installation/User Manual
ECU Initilization Sequence
Reporting Inverters:
The number of inverters reporting into the ECU. If the
number is followed by an “!”, then the number of reporting
inverters does not match the number of IDs that have been
programmed into the ECU.
The inverter IDs must be programmed into
the ECU for the ECU to recognize the inverters. The
ECU will NOT auto-sense the inverters (see Managing
Inverter IDs pg. 20).
Step 2: ECU time zone setting
Enter the IP address shown on the ECU LCD into the
internet browser, and then open the web page.
Click “Administration”, then “Date, Time, Time zone”.
In the corresponding box, enter local date/time/time
zone, click Update after finished. For details, refer to
Date, Time Zone management in p.25.
Step 3: EMA Monitoring
After ECU display “+W”
contact installers or APsystems technical
staffs in your local area and they will setup an EMA account with
User Name and Password, then complete EMA management(see pg.28).