E n g l i s h
| 17
Save recipe
Once checked the phases summary press
to save the recipe.
Start recipe
To start a recipe press
Make sure you saved it before starting it.
Modifications during the starting phase
During the starting phase you can:
Change all values of the phase in progress or of the next phases. The
values changed during the start phase are not saved, they are just temporary
Add steam in the chamber manually pressing
Read the note written for the recipe pressing
To move to the next phase even before the ongoing one has finished
Stopping the cooking cycle
To stop the cooking cycle before the set time press
Once stopped or finished cooking you can return to the home page by
or extend the last phase with the same values, with the
option to increase the time by pressing
At the end of the cooking cycle the oven will beep for 5 seconds.
At the end of each cooking the counter will show in hh:mm the overall
duration of cooking.
2nd interface - Recipe book
We designed a number of food processing systems to pursue the
objective of precision and reliability of technical consistency.
Our technology is the expression of a calibrated and measured technical,
culinary, instrumental and methodological choice.
In this screen you can choose one of the 150 recipes, both preset and
saved by you. There are eight different categories which in turn contain
other subcategories. The eight categories are: Bakery, Pizza, Pastry, First
dishes, Seafood products, Meat, Vegetables and Cooking programs.
Furthermore, in this screen you can enter the Favourite recipes and
Search mode.