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Operating manual DC6AT
5.2 Configuration and useful information on parameters
5.2.1 Read only parameters
Parameters up to No.16 are for information only and can only be read.
5.2.2 Device type
Parameters device type, software and hardware version are for clear device identification.
5.2.3 Operating hours counter
The operating hours counter counts the processor operating time with a resolution 0.01
hours. The operating hours counter cannot be deleted.
5.2.4 Status
The device status (fault-free or fault code) is indicated here. Intermediate circuit monitoring
The intermediate circuit voltage is continuously monitored. In case of a fault, the end stage is
blocked and a fault message is displayed. If the minimum intermediate circuit voltage is not
reached, an under-voltage fault is generated. If the maximum intermediate circuit voltage set
in Parameter 10 is exceeded, an over-voltage fault message is output.
Note: In regenerative mode the intermediate circuit voltage can rise. If this operating mode
can occur, the voltage supply must be able to accept the generated energy, otherwise the
intermediate circuit voltage can exceed the maximum allowable limit. Over temperature
The temperature of the end stage is monitored and shut off if a critical limit is exceeded.
5.2.5 Measurements
Parameters 7… 16 supply various measurements
5.2.6 Locking time during change of rotational direction
The time, the output stage is blocked after a change in the direction of rotation.
5.2.7 Clamping
Motor current is checked with an “I*t monitoring”. The continuous current can be exceeded
for a certain period up to the maximum current. The period depends on Parameter 34 and
the preload of the motor; i.e., the current used for operation.
The diagram below shows the time for the allowable over-current over the parameter “time-
continuous over-current” for different over-currents, if the axis demonstrates no preload and
maximum current is applied immediately.