Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 9 of 17
Figure 18: View and Record Data Panel
The View and Record Data panel is the primary panel for
interacting with the device. The pull down menu, located
beneath the graph, contains three options
Do Nothing (the default option)
View Gyro Signals
Record Gyro Signals
View Gyro Signals will obtain the Rateout, Filtered Self Test,
UnFiltered Self Test, and Quadrature information from the
device, and plot all four signals simultaneously. As indicated by
the GUI, the data rate at which this information is obtained is
500Hz ±5%. The data rate is hardware controlled so as to
remain constant regardless of the priority and processor load
assigned to the software GUI by the operating system. For
more information on the significance of the plotted signals,
refer to the ADXRS450 Datasheet.
Record Gyro Signals performs the same basic function as View
Gyro Signals, however it allows the user to continuously stream
the data to a *.txt file. This is useful for recording the response
of the part during short term events less than ~2 minutes. This
ensures that the resulting data file is manageable across most
data analysis software packages. However, the record
functionality can be performed indefinitely if desired by the
Secondary information which is transmitted along with the
plotted signals is graphically represented to the user. This
includes the fault register, sequence bits, status bits and sensor
module bits. This information is described in detail in the
ADXRS450 datasheet. This information is also recorded
alongside the plotted signals when the user selects Record Gyro
Additional functionality on this panel includes the ability to
change the supply voltage, read the device ID and serial
number, read the individual memory registers, and perform
offset adjustments in order to zero out any residual offset. This
encompasses the majority of the functionality of the ADXRS450
Adjusting the Supply Voltage
The ADXRS450 has been designed to operate over the full
voltage range of 3.3V to 5V (±5%). The device has been
designed to offer equivalent performance, regardless of the
voltage level available in the application. The numeric control
allows the customer to adjust the voltage to reflect the voltage
level available in their application. Clicking the “Set” button
will update the voltage supplied to the ADXRS450 satellite
board. The Voltage Readback field accurately displays the
satellite supply voltage, as it could be slightly different than the
value in the numeric control.