Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 13 of 17
Figure 22: Turn-on Bias Settling Panel
In addition to the bias stability from one power cycle to the
next, it is important to understand the device behavior at the
moment power is applied to the device. The recommended
turn-on time for the ADXRS450 is 100ms (typ), and it is not
recommended that customer applications try to obtain accurate
rate data from the device within this period. However, if it is
not possible to control the communications timings such that
this specification is observed, then it can be useful to know the
behavior of the device from the moment power is applied. By
sending a series of “Sensor Data Requests” immediately after
supplying the user specified voltage level to the satellite, the
turn-on bias settling behavior is observed. The first message
SPI message transaction is typically accomplished within 20ms
after power is applied to the device.
Additionally, if the device is being rotated at a constant rate
while power is applied, this panel will verify that the conditions
placed on the turn-on time are achieved. That is, that after
100ms (typ) the device output will be within 1% or ½ deg/sec of
the applied rotational rate, whichever comes first..