ADP1055-EVALZ User Guide
Rev. B | Page 23 of 43
Transient Response for the Load Step
A dynamic electronic load can be connected to the output of the
evaluation board to evaluate the transient response. Set up an
oscilloscope to capture the transient waveform of the power
supply output. Figure 81 and Figure 82 show an example of the
load transient response.
You can vary the digital filter via the GUI to change the
transient response. This evaluation shows you how the digital
filter can easily be programmed to optimize the transient
response of the PSU.
Figure 81. Transient Response with Load Steps: 50% to 100% to 50%
Green Trace: AC Coupled Output Voltage
Yellow Trace: Load Current, 1 A/μs
Figure 82. Transient Response with Load Steps: 25% to 50% to 25%
Green Trace: AC Coupled Output Voltage
Yellow Trace: Load Current, 1 A/μs
Figure 83. PWM Jitter at 20 A Load with 20 sec Persistence on Oscilloscope
SR Reverse Current Protection
This test can be conducted in the following two ways:
Enable the diode emulation mode.
Use the IOUT_UC_FAST comparator.
The test shown in Figure 84 shows the effectiveness of the
reverse current protection.
Figure 84. Diode Emulation Mode Active;
Reverse Current Comparator Threshold Adjusted for Best Performance;
Yellow Trace: Output Inductor Current;
Red and Blue Traces: SR1 and SR2