Check that all the battery contacts are correctly positioned.
Remove all the batteries and re-install them.
Drained battery indicator (batteries are dead) – replace/install new batteries.
Water got inside battery compartment. Clean battery contacts with metal brush
and replace all batteries.
Make sure that water is turned on.
Make sure to stand/sit within sensor range for at least 10 seconds or until red
light blinks once before you move away.
Make sure that batteries are properly installed and are making proper contact.
Make sure that sensor range is properly adjusted.
Remove and re-install the unit.
Replace the diaphragm (refer to diaphragm chart on page 10 of this manual).
Make sure you are within sensor range to activate the unit.
Watch red light blink once, then move away from sensor range.
Switch dip switch settings to lengthen sensor range.
Adjust sensor angle downward to read lower.
Check for dirt or debris on the diaphragm.
Remove and re-install the unit.
Check for dirt or debris on the diaphragm bleed hole.
Remove batteries and re-install.
Remove and re-install the unit.
Replace the diaphragm (refer to diaphragm chart on page 10 of this manual).
Valve is not picking up/reading user
Sensor range is too short – Change dip switch settings to longer range.
Valve does not read user on high toilet
applications, or small children on urinals
Adjust sensor angle downward to allow sensor to pick up/read users at a lower
Sensor will not activate if sensor angled
Make sure dip switched 1 & 2 are both UP – Shortest sensor range.
Sensor range is too long – Change dip switch settings to shorter range.
Replace batteries if necessary.
Adjust the flush volume. Move dip switch 5 UP (high volume).
Use the control stop to increase the water volume.
Adjust the flush volume. Move dip switch 5 DOWN (low volume).
Replace the diaphragm (refer to diaphragm chart on page 10 of this manual).
Use the control stop to decrease the water volume.
Manual flush is too short
Make sure correct ball relief valve is being used (refer to chart on page 9 of this
Manual flush is too long
Make sure correct ball relief valve is being used (refer to chart on page 9 of this
Threading on valve body may be damaged.
Check if valve body is AMTC/Sloan or Zurn. Use correct locking ring to match
valve body being used.
Locking ring may be damaged. Replace locking ring.
Electronic flush is too long
Red light does not come on in sensor window
after installation
Solid red light stays on in sensor window
Valve does not flush electronically
Valve flushes sometimes electronically
Locking ring does not fit valve body correctly
Valve does not shut off
Valve sensor is reading opposite wall (this
may cause batteries to drain more quickly)
Electronic flush is too short
Care and Maintenance
2- Do not directly spray unit with water or cleaner to avoid any possible malfunctions.
3- Maintain unit’s appearance by wiping the unit down using a soft damp clean cloth or towel to remove any residue
1- Do not use any abrasive or chemical cleaners to clean the unit as they may discolor or remove the chrome plating.
on the cover or the sensor window.