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suf fi cient air to breathe (see UVV «
Con struc tion work
», BGV C22,
para graphs 40 and 41).
Ma chine con trol
Op er at ing de vices which ad just them selves au to mat i cally when re -
leased in nor mal use, must not be locked.
Check pro tec tive de vices and brakes for proper func tion ing prior to
op er a tion.
When re vers ing, par tic u larly on the edges and banks of ditches, as
well as in front of ob sta cles, the ma chine op er a tor can not fall or be
Al ways keep a safe dis tance away from the edges and banks of
ditches and re frain from any ac tions which could cause the ma chine
to top ple over!
Al ways con trol the ma chine, so that hand in ju ries through hard ob -
jects are avoided!
Al ways as cend slopes care fully in a di rect path.
Re verse up steep slopes to pre vent the ma chine from top pling over
on to the ma chine op er a tor.
If faults on the safety de vices or other faults det ri men tal to the safe
op er a tion of the ma chine are no ticed, op er a tion of the ma chine must
be stopped im me di ately and the faults rem e died.
When un
ing com
tion work in the vi
ity of build
orabove pipe lines and sim i lar, check the ef fect of the vi bra tions on
the build ings and pipes and stop com pac tion work if nec es sary.
Park ing the ma chine
Park the ma chine on a firm and level sur face.
Shut down the drive and se cure it to pre vent ac ci den tal move ment
and un author ised use. If avail able, close the fuel valve. Do not place
or store equip ment with in te grated mov ing gear on the chas sis. The
mov ing gear is in tended only for trans por ta tion pur poses.
Fill ing petrol
Only fill petrol with the en gine shut down.
No open fire, do not smoke.
Do not spill any fuel, col lect dis charg ing fuel in a suit able con tainer,
pre vent fuel from seep ing into the soil.
En sure that the filler cap is tight.
Leaky fuel tanks con sti tute an ex plo sion haz ard and must there fore
be re placed im me di ately.
Main te nance and re pairs
Ob serve the main te nance, in spec tion and ad just ments and in ter vals
spec i fied in the op er at ing in struc tions, as well as the in for ma tion for
part re place ment.
nance work must be un
taken only by qual
fied and
authorised per sons.
Main te nance and re pairs must only be un der taken with the drive sta -
tion ary.
Only carry out main te nance and re pairs when the ma chine is parked
on a firm and even sur face and is se cured to pre vent it from roll ing.
When chang ing larger as sem blies and in di vid ual com po nents, only
use suit able and per fectly func tion ing hoist ing and lift ing gear with
suit able bear ing ca pac ity. At tach and se cure parts to lift ing gear
care fully!
Spare parts must com ply with the tech ni cal re quire ments of the man -
u fac turer. There fore only use orig i nal spare parts.
Be fore work ing on hy drau lic lines, these must pre vi ously be ren -
dered pressureless. Hy drau lic oil dis charg ing un der pres sure can
cause se ri ous in ju ries.
Work on hy drau lic de vices must be un der taken only by per sons with
a spe cial knowl edge of hy drau lics and the nec es sary ex pe ri ence!
Do not ad just pres sure re lief valves.
Drain hy drau lic oil at op er at ing tem per a ture – cau tion risk of scald -
Col lect dis charg ing hy drau lic oil and dis pose of the same in an en vi -
ron men tally-friendly man ner.
Do not start the en gine with hy drau lic oil drained!
Af ter com plet ing all work (with the sys tem still pressureless), in spect
all con nec tions and bolted con nec tions for leaks.
In spect all hoses and bolted con nec tions for leaks at reg u lar in ter -
vals and ex ter nally vis i ble dam age! Rec tify any dam age im me di -
Re place ex ter nally dam aged hy drau lic hoselines at reg u lar in ter vals
(de pend ing on time used), even when no safety-rel e vant faults are
vis i ble.
In spect the elec tri cal equip ment of the ma chine at reg u lar in ter vals.
Faults such as loose con nec tions, worn or scorched ca bles must be
im me di ately.
ing trans
port, se
cure the bat
tery to pre
vent it from tilt
short-cir cuit, slip ping and dam age.
Dis pose of used bat ter ies in a proper man ner.
Do not place any tools on the bat tery.
Han dling acid-bat ter ies
Trans port filled bat ter ies up right to pre vent acid spill age.
Keep away from sparks, open fire and other sources of ig ni tion.
Avoid con tact of acid with skin and cloth ing. In case of con tact, wash
off acid im me di ately with clear wa ter and go to med i cal in sti tu tion.
Prop erly re fit and in spect all pro tec tive de vices af ter main te nance
and re pairs.
Prop erly re fit and in spect all pro tec tive de vices af ter main te nance
and re pairs.
Test ing
Road roll ers, trench roll ers and vi brat ing plates must be tested for
safety by an ex pert de pend ing on the par tic u lar ap pli ca tion and op er -
at ing con di tions as re quired, how ever at least once a year.
Dis posal of the ma chine af ter fin ish of its ser vice life
At dis posal of the ma chine af ter fin ish of its ser vice life, the owner is
obliged to com ply with na tional reg u la tions and laws on wastes and
pro tec tion of en vi ron ment. There fore we rec om mend in such cases
to con tact the fol low ing:
pro fes sional spe cial ized com pa nies en gaged in such ac tiv i ties
and hav ing the rel e vant cer tif i cate
the man u fac tur ers or con tract ing ser vice or ga ni za tions au tho -
rized by him.
The man u fac turer is not re spon si ble for dam ages to health of own ers
nei ther for dam ages to the en vi ron ment in events of fail ing to com ply
with above men tioned hy gienic and eco log i cal prin ci ples.
1. Sa fe ty re gu la tions
Содержание ARW 65
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Страница 174: ...Ammann Verdichtung GmbH Josef Dietzgen Straße 36 53773 Hennef Phone 49 2242 8802 0 www ammann group com 08 2013 ...