6.9 Cool ing sys tem
The fac tory fills the sys tem with a cool ant/an ti freeze mix ture for
tem per a tures as low as -40°C. For tem per a tures colder than
-40°C, the fluid must be re placed with a suit able cool ant/an ti -
freeze mix ture.
6.9.1 Cool ant: Check ing/fill ing
Shut off the en gine and open the bon net.
Let the ma chine cool.
Screw off the ra di a tor cap (1) and see if the cool ant reaches to
just un der the open ing.
If the cool ant level is too low, in spect to find the cause.
Re place cool ant lost to evap o ra tion of fresh wa ter.
Cool ant loss due to leaks
Look for the leaks and fill with cool ant of the same type.
When fill ing with cool ant, ven ti late the cool ant chan nels. To do
this, shake and pinch the up per and lower cool ant hoses.
Firmly screw the ra di a tor cap back on. If the cap is loose or
screwed on wrong, cool ant can es cape. This can lead to en -
gine over heat ing.
Never mix an ti freeze of dif fer ing types or brands.
6.9.2 Check ing the ra di a tor hoses and clamps
Firmly tighten loose or un sealed hoses.
Im me di ately re place swol len or hard ened ra di a tor hoses. Use
new hose clamps.
6.9.3 Clea ning of radiator
Due to va ri ous wor king con di tions no re gu lar clea ning in ter val
can be set. Radiator fou ling will show in a re du ced coo ling per for -
man ce and in crea sed tem pe ra tu res of en gi ne coo lant and of
hyd rau lic oil.
In case of work in very dus ty en vi ron ment, per form dai ly clea -
Cle an with com pres sed air or pres su re wa ter (ste am).
Burn haz ard!
Do not open the ra di a tor cap un til the cool ant has
cooled off. To do this
Loosen the cap a bit to let ex cess pres sure es -
cape. Then
Com pletely un screw the cap.
Check the ra di a tor hoses at reg u lar in ter vals.
Dam aged ra di a tor hoses or es cap ing cool ant can
se verely scald.
6. En gine main te nance
Do NOT cle an the ra di ator with too high pres su re so to
avoid its da ma ge.
When ra di ator is con ta mi na ted with cru de oil pro ducts,
use a clea ner and pro ceed ac cor ding to the ma nu fac -
tu rer's ma nu al! Find out a cau se of con ta mi na ti on!
Cle an the Ma chi ne at a work pla ce equip ped with
clea ner col lec ti on sys tem to pre vent soil con ta mi -
na ti on and wa ter re sour ce con ta mi na ti on!
NEVER use for bid den clea ners!
Содержание APH 110-95
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Страница 45: ...Book ID 2 00002027 APH 110 95 Serial Nr 00000001 Translation of the original Operating instructions EN...
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Страница 85: ...Traduction du Mode d emploi original FR Book ID 2 00002027 APH 110 95 Serial Nr 0000001...
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Страница 125: ...Traducci n del Instrucciones de servicio original ES Book ID 2 00002027 APH 110 95 Serial Nr 0000001...
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