6.6 Fuel sys tem
6.6.1 Fuel
Cetane num ber: A cetane num ber of at least 45 is rec om -
mended at tem per a tures un der -20 C (-4 F), or at al ti tudes
over 1,500 m (5,000 feet) lu bri cants with a cetane num ber of
at least 50 should be used.
The fuel class and sul phur con tent as a per cent (in ppm) of the
die sel fuel used must meet all ap pli ca ble en vi ron men tal reg u -
la tions of the coun try in which the en gine is used.
It is strongly rec om mended that die sel fuel with a sul phur con -
tent be low 0.10% (1,000 ppm) be used.
If die sel fuel with high sul phur con tent (0.50% (5,000 ppm) to
1.0% (10,000 ppm)) is used, the lu bri ca tion oil and the oil fil ter
must be changed at shorter in ter vals. (Ap prox i mately twice as
of ten.)
NEVER use die
sel fuel with sul
phur con
tent above 1.0%
(10,000 ppm).
Die sel fu els com ply ing with EN 590 and ASTM D975 are rec -
om mended.
Die sel fuel No. 2-D is a low-vis cos ity dis til late fuel for en gines
in in dus trial and heavy-duty ma chines. (SAE J313 JUN87)
Be cause, at less than 56 kW, KUBOTA die sel en gines com ply
with EPA Tier 4 and In terim Tier 4 stan dards, in coun tries
where US EPA stan dards ap ply, fuel with low or very low sul -
phur con tent must be used for the en gines. There fore use die -
sel fu els No. 2-D S500 or S15 as al ter na tives to fuel No. 2-D or
No. 1-D S500 or S15 as al ter na tives to No. 1-D at out door
tem per a tures be low -10°C (14°F).
SAE : So ci ety of Au to mo tive En gi neers
EN : Eu ro pean Norm
ASTM : Amer i can So ci ety of Test ing and Ma te ri als
US EPA : United States En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion Agency
No. 1-D or No. 2-D, S500 : Die sel fuel with low sul phur con tent
(LSD), sul phur con tent be low 500 ppm or 0.05% by weight
No. 1-D or No. 2-D, S15 : Die sel fuel with ul tra low sul phur con -
tent (ULSD), sul phur con tent be low 15 ppm or 0.0005 % by
6. En gine main te nance
Fuel is ex
tremely com
ble and un
der some
con di tions ex plo sive.
Fill the tank only when the en gine is off.
No open flame.
No smok ing.
Pre vent ig ni tion sparks.
Do not fill the tank in en closed spaces.
Do not in hale fuel fumes.
Do not spill fuel. Col lect drain ing fuel. Do not let it
seep into the ground.
Make sure that no fuel gets onto the en gine.
Fuel es cap ing un der pres sure can pen e trate the
skin and cause se vere in jury.
Re lieve the pres sure be fore re mov ing fuel lines.
Tighten all con nec tions be fore ap ply ing pres sure.
Do not open the fuel sys tem un der high pres sure.
Highly com
pressed flu
ids re
ing in the fuel
lines can cause se vere in jury.
Do not try to loosen or re pair fuel lines, sen sors or
other com po nents be tween the high-pres sure fuel
pump and the in
tion valves on en
gines with
com mon-rail highpressure fuel sys tems.
Содержание APH 110-95
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Страница 85: ...Traduction du Mode d emploi original FR Book ID 2 00002027 APH 110 95 Serial Nr 0000001...
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Страница 125: ...Traducci n del Instrucciones de servicio original ES Book ID 2 00002027 APH 110 95 Serial Nr 0000001...
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