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AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Industrial Park Road A-9
39245 Gommern
Phone 039200-7797-0
Freecall 0800-2264264*
Fax 039200-7797-29
Business hours are 8-17 clock, outside this time an answering machine is switched
*) free of charge from the German fixed network and all German mobile networks
Settings Assistant Recorder
The initial configuration can be easily done via the Settings Wizard. The most important
basic settings we have already done for you. You can work with it as immediately.
Step 1
Turn on the recorder and the cameras, please wait a few minutes, the camera images
should then be already displayed on the monitor. Who do you want for the time being to
make any other settings, you can use the cameras to the appropriate places mount.
For further settings continue to step 2.
Step 2
Right-click on a window. The login screen opens. By default, you log in with "admin", the
password field is left blank, no password is set at the factory.
Step 3
Go to the menu item Setup Wizard, it will open the following window. Here you can set
the time zone, date and time, language and daylight saving time settings.
If you change the time or date, please confirm the "Apply" button before leaving the
window, otherwise the changes will not be accepted.
Step 4
To continue and go to the hard disk menu, press "Next" and the following
window will be displayed. Here you can see the total hard disk capacity and the
used storage space. You can reformat the hard disk at any time by selecting the
check mark in the "Format" column and then pressing the "Format" button.
Attention, once you do that will erase all data on the hard disk and are lost.