1. Introduction
T�e Ambu MultiMan comprises of four instruction and training manikins for simulating realistic and
correct anatomical and p�ysiological conditions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation by means of
insufflation and c�est compression.
T�e Ambu MultiMan incorporates t�e well-known Ambu �ygienic system similar to Ambu’s ot�er
training manikins and an indicator for compression dept� during c�est compression.
For easy and compact transport, t�e Ambu MultiMan is designed as a four manikin unit folded up
in two two-torso units.
T�e Ambu MultiMan �as t�e size of an average adult. T�e fold-out design of two or four units
encourages t�e instruction of a large number of trainees due to its simplicity and easy transport.
W�en a number of Ambu MultiMan are in use, we recommend t�e addition of an Ambu Man
wit� instrumentation or wit� computer interface. In t�is way extensive �ands-on training can be
performed on t�e Ambu MultiMan before a test is made on t�e Ambu Man s�owing t�e result of
various parameters.
2. Specifications and Materials
Including carrying bag:
50 cm
50 cm
4 pcs. In a square:
125 cm x 125 cm
2 pcs. �nd to end:
170 cm x 25 cm
1 torso wit� �ead:
70 cm
25 cm
20 cm
Weig�t incl. carrying bag:
4 pcs. In a square wit� 4 face pieces
And 100 �ead bags:
8 kg
Max. insufflation volume:
1,8 litre
(Indicated by expansion of t�e c�est)
Max. c�est compression:
57 mm
(S�own by a c�est compression indicator)
Storage temperature:
-20°C to +70°C
After storage in low temperatures t�e Ambu MultiMan must be warmed up to normal room
temperature before training.
ACD CPR (ACD = Active Compression Decompression) can be trained by mounting a special ACD
CPR base board.