9. Assembly of Face Piece
Assemble t�e face piece by fitting t�e dental
insert as s�own and press it into t�e face piece
so t�at only t�e flange and collar remain
First, press t�e collar of t�e dental insert into t�e
groove on one side of t�e face piece. Next, press
t�e edge over t�e flange on t�e dental insert
until t�e flange is seated in t�e groove in t�e
mask all t�e way round.
10. Packing the Ambu MultiMan
Begin by removing all face pieces and head bags as shown in section 7.
Lift t�e body and �ead to an uprig�t position.
Press t�e red button on t�e neck bus�ing. W�ile
pressing t�e red button, lift t�e skull off t�e neck
bus�ing. To control t�e �ead during separation
from t�e body put your t�umb into t�e opening
of t�e skull.