6. Training
T�e Ambu MultiMan is designed to meet all t�e training recommendations of t�e AHA (American
Heart Association) and t�e �RC (�uropean Resuscitation Council). In general, �owever, it is recommended
t�at instruction s�ould be based on t�e tec�niques and provisions applicable locally.
Following training can be performed:
Opening t�e airways by �ead tilt.
Insufflation using t�e following tec�niques:
Mout�-to-mout� ventilation
Mout�-to-nose ventilation
Mout�-to-mask ventilation
Resuscitator/mask-to-mout� ventilation
C�est compression
T�e ACD CPR met�od (ACD = Active Compression Decompression)
T�e movements of t�e c�est can be clearly observed during insufflation and expiration. T�e expired
air can be felt and �eard from t�e mout� and nose of t�e Ambu MultiMan wit� no risk of infection,
t�is air being t�e same as t�at insufflated by t�e trainee in t�e �ead bag.
Training ACD CPR requires a special base to keep t�e Ambu MultiMan to t�e ground during decompression.
Correct and incorrect compression dept� is
indicated on t�e instrument at t�e waist.
Following indications are shown:
No compression.
Beginning green field to full green field:
Compression dept� between 38 and 51 mm.
Beginning red field after green field:
Incorrect compression dept�, above 51 mm.