7. Removal of Face Piece and Head Bag
7.1 Face piece
Pull t�e ears outwards to release t�em from t�e
two prongs on eac� side of t�e skull. Pull t�e
mask upwards by t�e ears until free of t�e skull.
7.2 Head bag
Grip t�e bag on eac� side, but avoid closing t�e
opening. Pull t�e bag slowly upwards, twisting
from side to side if necessary to facilitate removal.
8. Cleaning and Disinfection
Wit� t�e �ygienic system of t�e Ambu MultiMan, using exc�angeable face pieces and �ead bags,
no internal cleaning and disinfection is necessary.
8.1 Head bag
T�e �ead bag is disposable and s�ould always be discarded after training.
8.2 Face piece
T�e face piece may be reused after
cleaning and disinfection. Remove
t�e dental insert before cleaning
and disinfection by pulling it
from t�e face piece as s�own in
t�e p�otos.