Rev. 0
The indicator light may then be viewed by looking through
the peep hole in the blower access door. Failure to hold the
door switch closed while removing the blower compartment
door will result in the loss of the stored failure code. In most
cases recycling the ignition control will result in the same
failure code originally displayed.
1. Remove the blower compartment door to gain access
to the control area.
2. Check for 120 volts from Line 1 (BK-4 wire) to line 2
neutral (WH-5 wire) at the ignition control. No voltage -
check the door switch connections and wire harness
for continuity.
3. Check for 24 volts from W to C at the thermostat con-
nections on the ignition control. No voltage - check trans-
former, room thermostat, and wiring.
4. Check for 120 volts to the induced draft blower by mea-
suring voltage between IND (BK-3) and neutral. No volt-
age - replace ignition control.
5. If voltage is present in Steps 2 through 4 and the in-
duced draft blower is operating, check for 120 volts to
the igniter during the preheat cycle. Measure voltage
between terminals IGN (RD-2) and neutral. No voltage
- check pressure switch.
Note: The
White-Rodgers 50A55 control has an adaptive
alogrithm that adjusts the duration of igniter warmup for
the purpose of extending igniter life. Following application
of power, the warmup time will be 17 seconds for the first
64 successful ignitions. Each subsequent warmup time will
be decreased by 1 second until flame fails to be achieved
(resulting in a retry) or until the minimum of 5 seconds is
Note: The
Heatrcraft HSI-2 ignition control has an initial
igniter warmup time of 7 seconds. In the event of a retry,
the warmup time will be increased by two seconds and that
duration will remain effective until another retry. In which
case, the warmup time is again increased by two seconds
but never more than 11 seonds. At the end of the heat cycle,
the warmup time is reset back to the minimum time setting.
6. After a call for heat begins, check for 24 volts to the gas
valve. Voltage will be present only if proof of flame has
been established. Measure voltage from Pin 9 MV ter-
minal (BR-13 wire) to Pin 12 MV terminal (GY-12) on
the ignition control 12 Pin connector. No voltage - re-
place ignition control.
7. If proof of flame was established 120 volts will be pro-
vided to the air circulation blower 30 seconds after a
call for heat. Check for 120 volts from the CIRC-N ter-
minal (WH) wire to the HEAT-H heat terminal on the
ignition control. No voltage - replace ignition control.
8. After check and/or replacement of integrated ignition
control, reinstall blower compartment door and verify
proper unit operation.
A flame sensing device is used in conjuction with the igni-
tion control module to prove combustion. If a micro-amp
signal is not present the control will deenergize the gas valve
and "retry" for ignition or lockout.
The following figures illustrate from a top view, the approxi-
mate distances for the igniter and flame sensor to the gas
inshot burner. You will note the igniter is not in the main
burner stream, but along the carry over port.
Flame Sensor
3/16" + 1/16"
Distance of
Sensor to Burner
Distance of
Igniter to Burner
23/64" + 1/64"
Igniter and Flame Sensor Positioning
(Upflow Models)
3/16" + 1/16"
Distance of
Igniter to Burner
Distance of
Sensor to Burner
23/64" + 1/64"
Flame Sensor
Igniter and Flame Sensor Positioning
(Counterflow Models)
Disconnect Electrical Power Supply:
1. Remove burner compartment door to gain access to
the flame sensor.
2. Disconnect the flame sensor wire (BU-14) from the
flame sensor terminal
3. Connect a micro-amp meter in series with this wire (BU-
14) and the flame sensor terminal.
Be sure the negative side of the meter is to the wire and
the positive of the meter is to terminal FP.
With Power ON:
4. Place the unit into a heating cycle.
5. As soon as flame is established a micro-amp reading
should be evident once proof of flame (micro-amp read-
Содержание GCCA045AX30