9.8 Servo position adjustment limit
When the screen shows "Servo reverse" press the DOWN/DATA- key to display "Servo limit", and then press
ENTER to select it.
Move the rudder stick to the full left and right position, and adjust the "Tail limit A" and "Tail limit B" so that the
maximum travel is used without any binding at the limit. Press ENTER to change the limit and BACK when
Move the Aileron stick full left and right, and adjust the “Aileron limit” to ensure the swashplate is at no point
jammed and stalling the servos.
Move the Elevator stick full up and down, and adjust the “Elevator limit” to ensure the swashplate is at no point
jammed and stalling the servos.
When finished, press the BACK key to return to "Servo limit".
9.9 Main rotor collective pitch direction and range
When the screen shows "Servo limit", press the DOWN/DATA- key to display "Collective range", and then
press ENTER to select it.
Move the throttle stick to the top and check the collective moves in the correct direction. If not, change the
Collective range to a negative number of the same value. Check the collective for the required pitch with the
use of a pitch gauge, and adjust the range (-125 to 125) until this is achieved. This is usually between 10 and
12 degrees. Check for equal pitch in both directions. If they are not the same, then recheck the servo trim,
transmitter end points and that the Tx pitch curve is straight, from minimum to maximum pitch.
When finished, press the BACK key to return to "Collective range".
9.10 Gyro direction
When the screen shows "Collective range", press the DOWN/DATA- key to display "Gyro direction", and then
press ENTER to select it.
Switch the tail to locked tail mode. Rotate the helicopter and check the movement of the tail pitch. The tail
pitch should change in the opposite direction, as if to stop the rotation. If it does not, then change the "Yaw:"