Pick up the helicopter and pitch the helicopter forwards and backwards. The swashplate should try to remain
level (pitch forward, swashplate moves backwards; pitch backwards, swashplate moves forwards). If the
reverse happens, change the "Pitch:" symbol.
Pick up the helicopter and roll the helicopter to the left and right. The swashplate should try to remain level (roll
left, swashplate moves to the right; roll right, swashplate moves to the left). If the reverse happens, change the
"Roll:" symbol.
When finished, press the BACK key to return to "Gyro direction".
9.11 Total gyro gain adjustment
When the screen displays "Gyro direction", press the DOWN/DATA- key to display the "Gyro total gain", and
then press ENTER to select it.
"Yaw total gain:" tail rotor total gain, "Roll total gain:" aileron total gain, "Pitch total gain:" elevator total gain.
For the first flight, these values should be left as the default. If the helicopter drifts in the hover, increase the
roll and pitch gain. If the helicopter oscillates in the hover reduce the roll and pitch gain. Usually the yaw total
gain is left at the default (100) and adjustments are made in the transmitter.
Note: The default values are 100 for yaw and 40 for roll and pitch.
After setting, press the BACK key to return to "Gyro total gain".
9.12 Rotation direction setting optimization
When the screen shows "Gyro total gain" press the DOWN/DATA- key to display "Pirouette optimization", and
press ENTER to select it.
The swashplate will tilt at an angle. Note the direction of the swashplate. Rotate the tail of the helicopter,
making sure the programmer does not become disconnected. During the rotation the swashplate should
continue to point in the same direction, as the needle of a compass would do it you rotated the compass body.
If the swashplate does not maintain in the same direction, change the direction symbol and try again.