Adjust the swashplate servos "Servo 1", "Servo 2", "Servo 3" value, so that all the swashplate servo arms are
level and the rods are vertical. Then adjust the servo arm to the swashplate pushrods, so that the swashplate
is level. Now adjust the blade arm pushrods for zero degrees pitch.
Adjust the rudder servo "Servo 4" value, so that the rudder servo arm and tail rotor control rod are at right
angles to each other.
Adjust the length of the tail rotor control arm for approximately 8 degrees of pitch.
When finished, press the BACK key to return to "Servo trim".
9.7 Servo reversing
When the screen shows "Servo trim", press the DOWN/DATA- key to display "Servo reverse", and then press
ENTER to select it.
Move the throttle stick up and down and check that all of the servos move in the same direction and that the
ailerons and elevator also operate correctly. If not, adjust the "Servo 1", "Servo 2", "Servo 3" symbol. It may
sometimes be necessary to swap the aileron and pitch servo plugs. Don’t worry about the collective direction,
at this stage.
Move the rudder stick and check that the tail moves in the correct direction (stick to the left, the tail pitch
changes to move the nose of the helicopter to the left; stick to the right, the tail pitch changed to move the
nose of the helicopter to the right). If not, change the "Servo 4" symbol to reverse the direction.
See the “Main rotor collective pitch direction and range” menu for reversing the collective.
Be careful when moving the rudder stick as the tail limits have not yet been set and the servo may try to
drive the tail past it’s limits.
When finished, press the BACK key to return to "Servo reverse".