Boilers 49
ALUTERM B 350 - 600
Installation, User and Service Manual
instructions for user
Alutherm B 350 - 600
F1: T3.15A 250 V
F2: T3.15A 250 V
If you are not sure that there is any heat demand, you can force the boiler to start as described in 5.5.
On heat demand, the boiler control will perform a zero-check of the air pressure switch before starting the fan. Following this, the fan will start and
wait for air pressure switch to close. As soon as APS has closed, starting procedure will continue.
APS closes at ΔP > 40 Pa.
If there is a problem with APS, the display will show blower speed error.
The boiler control checks the status of the built-in pressure switches for water, gas and syphon just before ignition ; Water pressure should be > 1,4
bar (E47); Gas pressure should be > 14 mbar (E76); Syphon pressure should be < 12,4 mbar (E77)
DHW errors
Boiler does not respond to DHW heat request
- Check the storage tank-NTC or thermostat and its wiring (also see electrical wiring diagram).
- Check if DHW is enabled using the control panel
Insufficient DHW flow
- Dirty filters in taps.
- Insufficient water pressure.
DHW temperature too low
- Tapping flow too high
- Temperature set point too low
- Leakage 3-way valve (towards CH-circuit), 3-way valve not fully in DHW position
- Faulty DHW pump
- DHW operation set to off
- Storage tank-NTC or thermostat and or wiring defect.
- Input too low due to too much resistance in air/flue system.
Boiler operates only for DHW
- Storage tank-NTC or thermostat defect and or its wiring.
- 3-way valve stuck (remains in direction towards storage tank)
CH circuit stays cold
- Incorrect connection to the mains electricity supply.
- Main switch on control panel is switched off (boiler off).
- Room thermostat defect, incorrect wiring, temperature set too low
- Outdoor sensor and/or its wiring defect.
- CH operation off
- 3-way valve defect (remains in direction towards storage tank)