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NetWay8MV / NetWay16MV
Note: Port 80 is the default port used for web browsing . Because of this, in order to prevent the average user from
hosting a web server, most ISPs BLOCK traffic using port 80 from reaching the average site . If you only plan
to monitor your NetWay8MV/NetWay16MV on a LAN, you can use port 80, and don’t have to concern your-
self with routers . However, if you desire remote access to your NetWay8MV/NetWay16MV, you MUST select
functional ports and set up the port forwarding in your router . Other ports, such as 8080 and 8000 are sometimes
blocked by ISPs as well . What port(s) should be used? There are 65,535 valid IP ports to choose from . These are
broken down into three groups:
• Well Known Ports 0 through 1023
• Registered Ports 1024 through 49151
• Dynamic and/or Private Ports 49152 through 65535
So, rather than encounter a port conflict by choosing a port commonly used for another purpose (like port 25 for
SMTP mail or port 448 for secure sockets), choose an ‘unusual’ port number . For example, add 50,000 to your
house number: 50,123 is less likely to lead to a port conflict . For a list of the known and registered ports,
see http://www .iana .org/assignments/port-numbers .
Reset Features:
Reset Password:
1 . Set illuminated master power disconnect circuit breaker to the (OFF) position (Fig. 1g, pg. 5).
2 . Set illuminated master power disconnect circuit breaker to the RESET (ON) position (Fig. 1g, pg. 5)
while depressing the [RESET button] on the front of the NetWayMV (Fig. 1d, pg. 5).
3 . NetWayMV status LEDs will display a flashing pattern which indicates reset was successful (Fig. 1c, pg. 5) .
Reset IP to Factory Settings:
1 . During normal operation depress the [RESET button] on the front of the NetWayMV for approximately
1 second (Fig. 1d, pg. 5).
2 . NetWayMV status LEDs will display a flashing pattern which indicates reset was successful (Fig. 1c, pg. 5) .
3 . Factory settings are: DHCP server and the IP address is [192 .168 .168 .168] .