CautioN: BRakE Fluid is toxic aNd must bE haNdlEd with caRE. Do Not lEt it
gEt oNto ExposEd skiN oR iNto thE EyEs. Do Not iNgEst it. Always wEaR SaFEty
GlassEs whEN woRkiNg with chEmicals. BRakE Fluid caN damagE paiNt aNd somE
plastic suRFacEs. Wash oFF aNy spillEd bRakE Fluid with watER.
Place the bike on a workstand. Position a drain pan
beneath the caliper, then spray the caliper and pads
with brake system cleaner.
Push the body of the caliper toward the disc to
slightly depress the caliper pistons into their bores.
Fig. 1
Noting their orientation, remove the two retaining
clips, then pull out the pad pin. (
Fig. 2
Slide the pads downward and out of the caliper.
Fig.3 & 4
DoN’t pull thE bRakE lEVER whilE thE pads aRE
REmoVEd – thE pistoN will bE displacEd aNd might
Fall out oF thE boRE, VoidiNg thE systEm oF Fluid.
Inspect the pad spring in the caliper – if it is no a
tight fit or became dislodged when the pads were
removed, remove the caliper (
) and reinstall
the spring (or replace it with a new one, as necessary).
Fig.5 & 6
While the pads are out, check for brake fluid
seepage around the pistons. If there is evidence of
fluid, it is time to replace the piston seals (
If new pads are being installed, push the pistons
back into the caliper as far as necessary to
accommodate the new, thicker pads, using hand
pressure or carefully pry them inwards. This will force
brake fluid back into the brake fluid reservoir, so it
may be necessary to remove the reservoir cap and
remove some fluid.
Slide the new pads into the caliper. Make sure the
upper ends rest in the pad support plates. (
Fig. 7
Pull the bottom ends of the pads against the caliper
spring; line up the holes in the pad backing plates with
the caliper pin holes, and then slide the pin through the
caliper and pads. Install the retaining clips in their
original orientation (outer clip facing forward, inner clip
facing the rear). (
Fig. 8
Squeeze the brake lever several times to bring the
pads into contact with the disc.
Check the fluid level in the front master cylinder
reservoir, and adjust as necessary.