Subject to change without notice | 83057000jUK – Translation of the original operating manual | ait-deutschland GmbH
11 Maintenance
We recommend that you sign a maintenance
agreement with an accredited heating
11.1 Basic principles
The cooling circuit of the heat pump requires no
regular maintenance.
Local regulations – e.g. EU Regulation (EC) 517/2014 –
among other things, require leak checks beforehand
and/or for a logbook to be kept for certain heat pumps.
The hermetic tightness and refrigerant fill quantity are
criteria for whether a logbook has to be kept and leak
tests performed or not, and at what time intervals.
Ensure compliance with local regulations with
regard to the specific heat pump system.
11.2 Maintenance as required
● Checking and cleaning the components of the
heating circuit and the heat source, e.g. valves,
expansion vessels, circulation pumps, filters, dirt
Test the function of the safety valve for the heat-
ing circuit
Clean and flush the evaporator
and condenser
► Clean and flush the evaporator/condenser strictly
according to the manufacturer's regulations.
► After flushing the evaporator/condenser with
chemical cleaning product: neutralise any
residues and flush the evaporator/condenser
thoroughly with water.
11.4 Yearly maintenance
Record the quality of the heating water analytically.
In case of deviations from the specifications, take
suitable measures without delay.
12 Faults
Read out the cause of the fault via the diagnostics
program of the heating and heat pump controller.
Contact the local partner of the manufacturer or
the factory's customer service. Have the fault
message and unit number (
“Unit sticker”,
page 3) to hand.
Unlock the safety temperature
A safety temperature limiter is installed in the electric
heating element. If the heat pump fails or there is air in
the system:
► Check whether the Reset button
of the safe-
ty temperature limiter
has jumped out (by ap-
prox. 2 mm).
► Press the reset button back
in again.
If the safety temperature limiter trips again, con-
tact the local partner of the manufacturer or the
factory‘s customer service.