We reserve the right to modify technical specifications without prior notice.
© Alpha-InnoTec GmbH
place the left end of the upper horizontal betonite
waterstop tape flush with the inner edge of the left
vertical betonite waterstop tape and attach to the
air duct.
1 flush attachment
2 Raised area
H Horizontal betonite waterstop tape
v vertical betonite waterstop tape
press in the raised area and attach to air duct to
create an airtight connection...
Repeat instructions on right end of the upper
horizontal betonite waterstop tape...
Repeat instructions - with lower horizontal
betonite waterstop tape...
push unit with fan side (= air outlet side) to the air
duct until the cover plate is in contact with the be-
tonite waterstop tape...
Do not exert force. Betonite waterstop
tape closes the gap between the unit and
the air duct airtight as soon as it has ex-
panded completely.
Center air outlet of the unit on the air
Attach vertical and horizontal betonite waterstop
tapes to the air duct of the air inlet side. follow -
Attach betonite waterstop tape on the vertical
front sides of the duct from top to bottom and cut
off flush....
Maximum work time from opening the
betonite waterstop tape roll until comple-
tion of the connection: 1 hour.
Cut off the first 3 cm of the betonite wa-
terstop tape roll and throw away.
cut compression tapes for horizontal front sides of
the duct to dimension x.
x = lW (inside diameter)
+ 20 mm allowance
position upper horizontal betonite waterstop tape
in the center and attach, moving in the direction of
the vertical betonite waterstop tapes until about 50
mm before the edge of the vertical betonite water-
stop tape...
1 leave about 50 mm unattached.
2 Work from the inside outward