After the sauna has been installed, sweep down the inside to remove any sawdust and wood shavings, and then vacuum com-
pletely. Using a damp cloth and warm water, wipe down the entire sauna including the benches to remove any remaining dirt,
dust and debris. Rinse off the sauna stones and install them in or on the heater in accordance with the heater manufacturer’s
instructions. Improper placement of heater stones can result in lower than desired heat temperatures. The first time you turn
the heater on, set it to the maximum setting and operate it for about 30 minutes with the door propped open. Then close the
door and allow your sauna to come up to the desired temperature.
Since you most likely will use your sauna as both a “wet sauna” and a “dry sauna”, you should install the sauna stones that have
been included with the heater, following the manufacturer’s instructions. These stones are necessary if water will be sprinkled
on the heater to create the “wet sauna”, and they will produce more consistent heating in the dry mode (without the use of
water). It is common for a stone to occasionally crack during initial heating. If excess amounts of water are used during sauna,
prop door open to let the humidity escape. Not much water is necessary to achieve a “wet sauna”.
The amount of ventilation in the sauna can be adjusted by means of the vent located toward the top of the sau-na. It is impor-
tant to have adequate fresh air flowing through the sauna, and this flow can be adjusted with the movable vent cover.
STEP #1 Set your heater so that the sauna room achieves the desired temperature, usually between 150º F and 170º F.
As a novice, you should begin at the lower end of this range and work your way up to the higher temperatures
over several sauna baths.
STEP #2 Remove all clothing (except maybe your swimsuit), eyeglasses, contact lenses, jewelry, etc. Take a quick shower
with warm water and soap, or a quick dip in your hot tub.
STEP #3 Enter the sauna initially for about 5 to 15 minutes. Bring a towel into the sauna onto which you can sit or lay.
Leave the sauna room once you have begun to perspire freely.
STEP #4 Now you may take a cold plunge in your swimming pool, shower or snow bank. After that, relax and cool down
for another 10 to 20 minutes.
STEP #5 Re-enter the sauna. On this return visit you may wish to sprinkle small amounts of water onto the stones creating
bursts of steam. If the water spills through the heater and onto the floor, you are using too much, although this
will not hurt the heater or the sauna.
STEP #6 After your final visit to the sauna, relax for at least 20 minutes. Shower with soap and warm water. Finish your
shower with cooler water to close the pores of your skin. Dress only after you have cooled down completely.
NOTE: Whatever your sauna regimen, it is important that you keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water!