Step 10
Secure the hinges to the glass door, being sure the silicon gaskets are on both sides of the glass and that the black spacers are in the hinge holes.
Tighten down the bolts with the provided wrench. Next, install the door handle on the glass door being sure the silicon washers are in the screw
holes. Finally, with a helper holding the door in place, secure the hinges to the doorframe using 3 5x30mm screws per hinge.
NOTE: Gaskets may not be the same color as indicated in the photo.
Step 11
On the side opposite the hinges, run your finger on the doorframe gasket to feel for the pre-drilled magnet hole. Cut away the gasket covering
the hole with a sharp utility knife, and tap the provided door-magnet in place. Next, locate the metal sleeve and position on the door so that it
aligns with the magnet.
Step 12
Locate the roof trim pieces. Starting with the trim piece above the door, begin installing the trim pieces around the upper rim of your sauna us-
ing 3x40mm screws. NOTE: The longer trim pieces will have to be cut to size.
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Image 35 Image 36
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Image 38 Image 39
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Image 30 Image 31
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Image 33