Find the front lower bench support with single heater. Place the left side between the vertical boards on the left wall
and position against the vertical board on the right bench support as shown. Screw in place (9). Plug one of the
wires from the rear wall section into the wire from the bench support. This connection will power the floor heating
panel located on the front bench support (10). Place the lower bench over the front and right bench supports. It
will be supported by the bench supports as well as vertical support boards located on the side wall and right-side
bench support (11). Find the front upper bench support. Position and screw in place as shown. Plug into second wire
coming from rear panel (12).
Place the upper bench in place which will be supported by side and rear wall horizontal supports and right-side
bench support (13). View of interior of sauna after benches are in place(14). Secure the back rest to the rear wall
using 2” screws. Note: Be sure the back rest is level and positioned approximately 2” above the bench (15). Find the 2
vertical front wall frame pieces which have slotted brackets as well as 2 horizontal frame pieces with notched tongues
protruding from the ends (16).
Using a rubber mallet, gently tap the side frame pieces into the lower horizontal frame piece (17). Screw the horizontal
frame piece to the vertical frame piece as shown (18). Lean the partially completed front wall frame against a wall with
the horizontal support at the floor. Note: the vertical frame pieces should have the wide part of the slotted bracket
down and the narrow slot up (19). Find the two front glass panels and place them in the grooves on the lower horizontal
support and the end supports as shown. Note the window with the hinge holes in the side. Be sure the holes are to the
center of the front wall of the sauna, on the left or right side depending on which way you want the door to swing (20).
Image 9
Image 10 Image 11 Image 12
Image 13
Image 14 Image 15
Image 16
page 3
Image 17
Image 18 Image 19 Image 20