5.2.2 Regulation of the limits
The traverse path of the load cell can be limited
within the machine and load cell determined
maximum values. Therefore the submenu limits
gets called in which you can regulate the values
within the navigation bar.
Advice !
i The limits regulated for the manual mode have no influence within the test programs. The drive
gets stopped with a certain speed depending profile after achieving the limits or the Stop-signal by
pressing the stop-button or letting go the up-/down button. At maximum speed the lag can constitute
5.2.3 Continous mode (Conti)
Within the continuous mode you can start the drive by pressing the up or down-button in the required
direction. The drive moves the load cell in the required direction till either the Stop-button gets pressed
or a limit gets achieved.
5.2.4 Ride in the Tipp-mode (Tipp)
In the tip-mode, which gets setted by the mode-button, the drive gets moved with a preselected speed
into the required direction, till the button gets released or a limit gets achieved.
5.2.5 Indication and reset of the peak values ( maximum values)
The absolut maximum values for traction force and compression force get saved within the load cell.
The two maximum values reached at last, get indicated after pressing the PEAK – button. The peak-
memory gets only canceled in the manual mode, when the reset-button is pressed, a test program gets
called, and a reference path has been effected or the construction was spent.
Permissible range of values
Limits position DOWN
SP top
Absolute on 0-reference
Limits position TOP
Absolute on 0-reference
Limits force PRESSURE
0 N
Nominal frequency range of the
load cell
110% range of measurment
Limits force TENSIONE
0 N
Nominal frequency range of the
load cell
110% range of measurment