Chapter 5
2) ...>ip config [ether( [{Ipaddress[, SubnetMask] |
dhcp[(lease_time)]},] [dhcplow-dhcp-high [([routeip] [,dns(
dnsserver1,dnsserver2)] [, default_lease_time, max_lease_time])])]
[usb[( [{Ipaddress[,SubnetMask] |dhcp [(lease_time)]},] [dhcplow-
dhcphigh [([routeip] [, dns( dnsserver1, dnsserver2)] [,
default_lease_time, max_lease_time])])]] [dns(dnsip1,[dnsip2])] [
[{llc|vcmux|hdlc},] [{ubr |cbr},] [pcr,] [ip([index,] [{pap|chap},]
{localip|dhcp[( lease_time)]}, remoteip[,SubnetMask]),...]
[route([index,] {targetip |default}[, {ipmask |a |b |c}]),...] [dhcplow-
dhcphigh[ ([routeip] [,dns( dnsserver1, dnsserver2)]
[,default_lease_time, max_lease_time])] [login([{pap| chap},] user-
name, userpassword), ] [bind ([{ether | usb | bridge}),] [pcip]] [nat]
)...] [{Ipaddress | bridge({Localip|dhcp[( lease_time)]} [, Gateway[,
SubnetMask]] [dhcplow-dhcphigh[([routeip] [, dns(
dnsserver1,dnsserver2 )] [, default_lease_time, max_lease_time])])}]
user([{pap|chap},] username, userpassword ),... <your password>
• ether(): Enter ‘ether(..)’ to set Ethernet parameters.
• usb(): enter ‘usb’ to include usb interface and ‘usb(...)’ to set
usb parameters, the default does not include usb.
• bridge(): Enter ‘bridge(...)’ to set bridge port parameters.
• {Ipaddress|dhcp[(lease_time)]}: Enter ‘’ to set
the Ethernet, Bridge or USB IP address. Entering ‘dhcp’ means
configuring this port as DHCP Client. The Lease time can be
set by the User, its default is 900. The IP address default value
is for Ethernet or Bridge and for the USB
• [vpi/]vcifirst[-vcilast]: Typing ‘xx’, ‘xx/xx’, ‘xx/xx-xx’ or ‘xx-
xx’ will set one or more ATM PVC channels - vpi and vci. The
default ATM PVC is 0/35. If it is omitted, vpi is set as 0. Spec-
ify a group of ATM PVCs by entering ‘xx-xx’. The group vci
values will be from vcifirst to vcilast.