The Broadband Intelligent Home Gateway (BIHG) is an emerging
new class of CPE device that grows with the home network without
requiring Service Providers to change their DSL provisioning.
Regardless if the connection is through the USB or the Ethernet
port, you are always on. For network expansion, a hub can be con-
nected to the Ethernet port.
The AT-AR240E and the AT-AR250E capabilities save money
during deployment by provisioning longer reach with more reliable
turn up, less truck rolls and more customer satisfaction by using the
BIHG feature. Both the AT-AR240E and the AT-AR250E’s
flexibility enables it to be set as a router to accommodate more
advanced business applications.
With the ADSL device, investments are protected through the
support of popular DSL connection models which are also industry-
standard interface options such as PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) and
PPP over ATM (PPPoA), Bridging and Routing.