Peripheral Functions
Chapter 8
As memory content is being recorded on tape, the industrial terminal will
count the number of user program and data table words and display them
as follows:
ABCD Program Words
EFGH Data Table Words
After memory content has been recorded, the tape is automatically
rewound and the content verified with the content in memory to be sure
that no discrepancies occurred during the recording operation. During
verification, the number of user program and data table words are again
counted and displayed.
Once verification is complete, a message stating the number of
discrepancies between processor memory and tape content, if any, will
be displayed. If 1 or more discrepancies are found, the entire recording
operation should be repeated.
The memory dump command can be aborted at any time by pressing
Processor memory can be loaded from a data cartridge tape and the
transfer verified automatically by pressing [RECORD] [SHIFT] [A] on
the industrial terminal keyboard. The processor must be in program mode.
The data table must be configured to the size which will match the data
table of the taped program. Set the data table size as described in Section
3.2.1, Data Table Configuration. If the size of the data table on tape is not
immediately available and the processor is configured differently, the load
operation will abort automatically. The industrial terminal will display
the data table configuration contained on the tape along with a prompt to
configure the processor data table.
The number of user program and data table words are counted and
displayed while memory content is loaded and again during verification.
After verification, a message displays the number of discrepancies found,
if any. Instructions in memory that don’t match corresponding instructions
on the data cartridge tape can be located and displayed using the
procedure described in Section 8.3.5, Displaying and Locating Errors. The
discrepancies can be corrected if a hard copy printout of the program is
available showing the correct instructions. Otherwise erase the entire
memory (put the cursor on the first instruction and press [CLEAR
MEMORY] 99) and repeat the memory loading procedure.
The cartridge load command can be aborted at any time by pressing
Loading Memory from a
Data Cartridge Tape
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