Peripheral Functions
Chapter 8
The cassette load command is accessed by pressing [RECORD] 0 on the
PLC-2 family overlay and by pressing either [READ FROM TAPE] or
[PLAY] on the cassette recorder. To load the complete memory, rewind the
tape to the beginning of the program.
As memory is being loaded, the number of data table words and program
words will be counted and displayed. When loading is complete, the
processor memory content should be verified. The operator must rewind
the tape and press [READ FROM TAPE] on the recorder.
This command can be accessed immediately after dumping or loading
memory to/from the cassette tape to verify that an error-free transfer was
made. The processor must be in the program mode to verify the data table.
This command is accessed by first pressing [REWIND] and then either
[READ FROM TAPE] or [PLAY] on the cassette recorder. During
verification, the number of data table words and program words will be
counted and displayed.
Once verification is complete, the number of program errors and whether
the data table was verified will be displayed. The automatic verification
command will self-terminate when complete. If program errors exist, they
can be displayed and located by the procedure in Section 8.3.5 unless the
cassette function is terminated by pressing [CANCEL COMMAND].
Accessible in any mode, this command is used to verify the user program
and messages in memory with the version on the cassette tape, or vice
versa. Although the data table size and configuration are checked, the data
table values are not verified.
This command is accessed by pressing [RECORD][1] on the PLC-2 family
overlay and by pressing either [READ FROM TAPE] or [PLAY] on the
cassette recorder. Rewind the tape to the beginning of the program
When verification is complete, the command will self-terminate and
display the number of program discrepancies, if any. If discrepancies
are found, either the tape can be re-recorded using the memory dump
procedure, or the processor memory can be corrected using the procedure
in Section 8.3.5.
Program Verification
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