Check Traffic
Click the
Check Traffic
button to see all traffic incidents on the route ahead between your
current position and your destination. CoPilot will take a few seconds to check for
incidents. If any incidents are found, they are reported one by one beginning with the one
closest to you. You will see them on the map (see p. 75) and can decide whether you want
CoPilot to continue along the current route or to generate an alternate route around the
reported congestion (you’ll be able to accept or reject the alternate route).
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If you want CoPilot to generate an alternate route
around an incident, click the
button. If you
wish to ignore the incident, click one of the two
arrows. The forward arrow takes you to the next
incident (if there is one) and the back arrow takes
you to the previous incident (if there is one).
If you do not respond to a message, it will be
automatically hidden after the amount of time you
set in the Live Options window (p. 72) — or after
30 seconds by default. When that happens, CoPilot
will either ignore or route around the incident based
on how you have set your options — see
, p. 74.