G. temPeRAtURe CHeCK
You can monitor through the LCD screen, the present indoor temperature
of the passenger compartment before cooling or heating your vehicle.
Press the transceiver
button first, within seconds press the
button; the in-door temperature will be shown on the LCD screen. This
reading may be higher than actual ambient temperature due to the
greenhouse and is relative only the inside vehicle temperature.
H. to tURN oFF tHe Remote StARt:
When the engine is running (by remote start), if you want to stop it,
. Press button twice on the remote transmitter under remote start mode.
. Move the optional remote start enable toggle switch to OFF position. (If
. Press the brake pedal
4. Pull down the hand brake. (for Standard Transmission Gear Vehicle)
The vehicle will shut down and turn off the parking light to indicate engine stopped.
I. SHUt-DoWN INPUt FoR Remote StARteR:
If any of the following conditions exist while the system is operating, the engine will not start or
will shut down immediately:
. The hood is opened.
. The brake pedal is pressed.
. The hand brake is released (for Standard Transmission Gear Vehicle)
4. Engine is over-revved. {“Tachometer checking type” only}
5. The pre-programmed run time (5 /0 / 0 / 0 minutes) has elapsed.
6. Press
button twice on the remote transmitter under remote start mode .
7. Move the optional remote start enable toggle switch to OFF position. (If installed)
8. The vehicle refused to start running after {} unsuccessful attempts.
J. DISABLING tHe Remote StARt SYStem: (If installed)
This feature allows your system’s remote start unit to be temporarily disabled to prevent the
vehicle from being remote started accidentally. This feature is useful if the vehicle is being serviced
or stored in an enclosed area. To disable the remote start, move the optional remote start enable
toggle switch to the OFF position.
Note: If the system is interfered by stronger
radio frequency around, sources of high
voltage electric power or such Obstacles like
tall buildings and so on, the transmission
range may get shorter as the system uses low
output power frequency.
A. BAtteRY RePLACemeNt:
A .5V type AAA Alkaline battery powers the Remote Transceiver. When the power of the battery
weakens a
icon shall be displayed on the LCD screen. When the old battery is replaced to new
one, there will be beep sounds indicate the power is up and the clock on the LCD screen returns to
after displaying all the icons. Correct the time by pressing
for seconds before using
(See Timer Setting).
Press the button
two times when the
battery compartment is
empty, then insert the new
door Lock
Your vehicle doors are locked
door Unlock
Your vehicle doors are unlocked
and the system is Disarmed