Open Problem Reports and Feature Exceptions
page 78
OmniSwitch 6800/6850/9000—Release 6.1.3.R01
PR 107086
User with readwrite-scp-sftp privileges is initially queried for authentication and authorization on an
OS6850. After login to the scp/sftp shell, only accounting requests are sent to server (if
enabled), commands are not queried for authorization.
There is no known workaround at this time.
PR 107278
SNMP variable policyStatsQueryCount always show as zero.
See policyStatsAccessCount instead.
PR 107543
If Loopback0 is defined by the user and there is not a physical route for that IP subnet, a RADIUS client
will not be able to communicate with a RADIUS server. As a result, RADIUS authentication will fail as
the server is unreachable.
There is no known workaround at this time.
Problem Reports
PR 86853
A stack of 9 or greater is not supported on an OS6800 or OS6850.
The maximum stack elements is 8.
PR 93114
If an ingress packet is oversized, it is not for broadcast or multicast anymore. As a result, ingressing over-
sized layer 2 multicast packets are counted as unicast packets.
There is no known workaround at this time.
PR 97213
On an OS9000, in all CPU exceptions, a Trace Buffer dump is offered at the beginning of the exception.
There is no known workaround at this time.