In addition, the GPS antenna coaxial cable shield shall be bonded at one point minimum
near the equipment and/or hatch plate, provided the GPS antenna is installed in the cone
of protection using short (less than 60 feet) coaxial cable.
If the coaxial cable run along the tower is more than 60 feet, then the
coaxial cable shield shall be grounded at multiple points near the antenna and
equipment, at 100 foot intervals.
Preventing Arc-over between structures and antenna
If the GPS antenna is mounted on a separate pole or structure of height (H) near an
antenna tower or other grounded structure, and the distance (D) from the pole or structure
to the tower or other grounded structure is less than the height of the pole divided by six
(H/6), then the pole or structure and the antenna tower must be bonded together eliminate
possible arc over during a lightning strike.
If the pole is 50 feet tall, then D=8.3 feet. (50/6 = 8.3).
Refer to the following diagram for more detail.
GPS antenna installation
Lightning interference consideration
9927 Dist BTS Outdoor
Issue 1
March 2012
Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements