Network view
The 9927 Distributed Base Station is a Multi-Technology, Multi-Band BTS that supports
multiple access technologies. The RRHs are multi-functional and support both CDMA
and LTE.
For CDMA, the MT-BBU interfaces with the RRHs via optical link.
The 1900 MHz (PCS) RRH operates in BC1 band and supports both LTE and CDMA.
The 800 MHz RRH operates in BC10 band and supports CDMA only.
The LTE RRH is hardware ready to support PCS in the G-Block.
LTE in the BC10 band is not supported in initial deployment.
Backhaul to the network is provided via the SAR-7705, either as:
Fiber optic cable
Microwave cable
T1/E1 line
The -48 VDC power source inside the cabinet provides -48 VDC to the components
inside the cabinet and to the RRHs.
Signal flow block diagram
The high-level signal flow diagram below shows how signals flow within the
Alcatel-Lucent 9927 Distributed Base Station outdoor cabinet and to the RRHs and
Backhaul Network. (4G Backhaul is assumed to be available at the cell site.)
Product overview for 9927 Distributed Base Station
Outdoor cabinet
Network view
Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
9927 Dist BTS Outdoor
Issue 1
March 2012