8088 Smart DeskPhone
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Thank you for choosing an Alcatel-Lucent phone.
This document describes the services offered by the 8088 Smart DeskPhone V2 connected to an OXO
Connect or OXO Connect Evolution system.
With its touch screen and built-in interactive capabilities, the 8088 Smart DeskPhone can deliver the
comfort and convenience you are looking for.
This model offers enhanced ergonomic features for more effective communication.
The 8088 Smart DeskPhone can be provided with or without an embedded camera. The camera will be
used for future services available on the fly in a subsequent software upgrade.
The availability of some functions described in this manual may depend on the version or configuration
of your system. The label is not displayed if the corresponding feature is not configured on your
telephone system.
The labels and icons presented in this document are not contractually binding and may be modified
without prior warning. The pictures are not contractually binding and are not localized.
History of the document