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9.3 Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Application Partner Program
The mission of the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Application Partner Program is to support a broad
ecosystem of developers and partners throughout the deskphone Lifecycle. In this context, certification
tests are made between applications or devices of partners and Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise’s platforms. It
certifies proper inter-working with applications or devices of the partner. Results of certification tests for
headsets can be consulted in the Technical Document Library (restricted access, please contact your
provider to access these documents).
IWR-0121: Sennheiser Headsets / Desk phones https://businessportal2.alcatel-lucent.com/IWR-
IWR-0018: Jabra Headsets for hardphones https://businessportal2.alcatel-lucent.com/IWR-0018
IWR-0164: Plantronics-Headsets-Amplifiers https://businessportal2.alcatel-lucent.com/IWR-0164