8088 Smart DeskPhone
34 /66
Acknowledge all new voice messages
Once you start listening to a voice message, the message is automatically acknowledged.However,
you can acknowledge voice messages without listening to them.
Press the associated softkey.
Press the associated softkey:
Voice msg
Delete all messages
Press the associated softkey.
Press the associated softkey:
Voice msg
2.17 Sending an instant message to a contact
You can only send an instant message to a colleague connected to the same telephone system
(generally, a colleague in your enterprise).
You can send an instant message to a contact by entering either their phone number or their name.
2.17.1 Sending an instant message using the search by name feature
Access the messaging portal.
Send IM
Enter the first letters of the name.
When entering the name you can extend the search by adding the first letters of the first name
after entering the '#' symbol or pressing:
Start the search.
A list of matching names is displayed on the screen. Each contact is displayed with their name
and company phone number.
Scroll and select the contact to call in the list of matching names.
The contact card opens and displays information about the contact: last name and first name,
several phone numbers (Office, mobile, home), email address, instant message address and the
company name. The contain of the contact card depends on the company directory.
Scroll through the screen with the up and down navigation keys and select instant message
address if exists in the contact card.
Access instant message writing mode.
Write the instant message to send.
Send the instant message.