8088 Smart DeskPhone
30 /66
Switching between the two modes:
Open the keypad.
Press a letter to launch the dial by name function.
If necessary, close the keypad.
The current mode is displayed.
Select the new mode:
: The internal directory mode is enabled.
: The unified directory mode is enabled.
: Stay in the current mode.
2.7.1 Calling a contact using the unified directory
Open the keypad.
Enter the first letter of your contact's surname.
When entering the name you can extend the search by adding the first letters of the first name
after entering the '#' symbol or pressing:
If necessary, close the keypad.
Start the search.
A list of matching names is displayed on the screen. Each contact is displayed with their name
and company phone number.
Use one of the following:
Scroll and select the contact to call in the list of matching names.
Modify the search.
Exit the search by name feature.
Call your contact using another phone number (via contact card):
Select the name of the person you wish to call.
The contact card opens and displays information about the contact: last name and first name, several
phone numbers (Office, mobile, home), email address, instant message address and the company
name. The contain of the contact card depends on the company directory.
Scroll and select the phone number you wish to call.
Call your contact.
From the contact card you can also send an instant message.
You can change the search by name function to predictive search mode by setting the unified directory
to 'Off' in the settings menu (available once a search by name is started). Please be aware that
predictive searching means that you won't access the contact card and therefore can only call the
contact on their company phone and connot send instant messages.