Mainboard K8NF4X–754
Appendix IV: ABS (Albatron BIOS Security)
Card Setup
The ABS (Albatron BIOS Security) function will provide your BIOS a backup, even when your
onboard BIOS has damaged and caused the system that can not be powered on. You can
just insert an ABS Card (optional) onto the mainboard header, and through setting the card
jumper caps, the enabled ABS function will assist you to recover your onboard BIOS.
Setup Steps
First, make a boot floppy disk from your operating system (WIN 98/ME/XP). Then visit
our website and download the latest version of BIOS files for the mainboard that you are going
to install, and save it into the floppy disk you made.
Remove the jumper caps from the mainboard BIOSCN1 header
(Refer Figure1)
, and
insert an ABS Card instead of. Remember to set the jumper caps which are on the ABS_JP1
header of the ABS Card with the location of “
Rescue BIOS
(Refer Figure2)
Pin1-2 Closed
(Closed stands for putting jumper caps
onto two header pins.)
Figure 1
Pin2-3 Closed
Figure 2