time and effort. In DL-Windows, Groups are controlled via sched-
ules, and a typical example involves enabling or disabling a
Group at a certain time.
Groups may only be added or
changed via DL-Windows.
What are Function Cards?
There are three ways to program the PL3500 lock: (1) Using DL-
Windows; (2) Using a pre-programmed AL-DTM module; and (3)
Using proximity cards as "Function Cards" at first power-up. The
Function cards are simply 9 standard proximity cards labeled one
through nine, and after being presented (enrolled into) the
PL3500 lock (see page 12 for procedure), each card will then be
able to perform a specific function, as follows:
Card 1 Initiates PC communications (User 298).
Card 2 Initiates AL-DTM communications (User 299).
Card 3 Initiates entry of new proximity cards starting at
User 301 (and ending at User 2000).
Card 4 Initiates removal of next presented proximity
Card 5 Toggles
Passage Mode.
Card 6 Initiates AL-IR1 printing with Time, Date, Ver-
sion Number and Audit Trail Log.
Card 7 Toggles
Total User Lockout
Card 8 Enables Function Card #9 (User 297).
Card 9 The
Service Card
, allowing access one-time-
only (User 300).
It is still possible to perform all lock programming via DL-
Windows or via an AL-DTM module, with or without ever en-
rolling the Function Cards at first start up.
However, it is
highly recommended that Function Cards be enrolled even if you
do not intend to use them--because once the lock is in operation,
you may
enroll Function Cards without first performing a "cold
start" (removing all programming and thus re-loading all original
factory default settings). See Glossary entry for "Default" on page
26 for more information. When using the AL-DTM-III, see "special
note" at bottom of page 17.
If the Function Card enrollment process is bypassed and
the AL-DTM is used to move programming data from the PC to
the PL3500 lock, the PL3500 lock
will always default to Door
. In addition, the current AL-DTM allows the programming of
specific door numbers (and their associated data files), regardless
of the door number sent to the AL-DTM by the PL3500 lock. See
page 16 for more information.
When programming is sent from DL-Windows (or an AL-DTM) to
the lock, Function Cards 1, 2, 8, and 9 will be overwritten with the
existing data in DL-Windows for the User Locations 298, 299, 297
and 300, respectively. Therefore, to continue to use Function
Cards 1, 2, 8 and 9 that were enrolled at startup with DL-
be sure to enroll the same Function Cards 1, 2, 8
and 9 used at startup into the correct locations within DL-
In addition, Function Cards 3 through 7 are not recognized by DL-
Windows. Therefore, DL-Windows will not send the data for
Function Cards 3-7 to the AL-DTM, nor will the AL-DTM be able
to send this Function Card data to the PL3500 lock. Accordingly,
Function Cards are designed to be used for limited-use installa-
tions where DL-Windows will not be used (or is not available). If
DL-Windows is used, Function Cards 3-7 will most likely never be
used. The advantage of the PL3500 lock is that it is designed to
be flexible for any application.
Who are
Users 297-300
Proximity cards assigned to User Numbers 297, 298, 299 and
300 have special abilities, as follows:
User 297 (Function Card #8):
Quick Enable User 300
Function Card #8 (assigned to User 297) possesses the unique
ability to enable Function Card #9 (assigned to User 300).
When Function Card #8 is presented to the lock, User 300 is
enabled, allowing Function Card #9 to unlock the PL3500 (for
one time). Once used, Function Card #9 (User 300) becomes
For example, you wish to allow one-time access to a temporary
worker. Simply present Function Card #8 to the lock and give
Function Card #9 to your temporary worker. Later, when the
temporary worker presents Function Card #9 to the lock, the
PL3500 unlocks and allows access (for one time only). If the
temporary worker re-presents his card, access will be denied.
Later, if you wish to grant the temporary worker re-access, sim-
ply re-present Function Card #8 to the lock and Function Card
#9 will be re-enabled (again for one time only).
User 298 (Function Card #1):
Quick PC Communications Card
Presenting the proximity card for User 298 (Function Card #1)
initiates data to be sent to or from the lock and DL-Windows.
Therefore, an AL-PCI2 cable with a PC is required.
User 299 (Function Card #2):
AL-DTM Data Transfer Card
Presenting the card assigned to User 299 (Function Card #2) will
initiate data transfer with the AL-DTM. An AL-PCI2 cable and an
AL-DTM (first programmed by the computer via DL-Windows) is
This card does not unlock the lock (does not
allow access).
User 300 (Function Card #9):
One-Time-Only Service Card
This is a
One-Time Only Service User Card
(Function Card #9)
enabled by the proximity card assigned to User 297 (Function
Card #8). For example, User 300 Function Card #9) is some-
times used for guard tour duties. See User 297: Quick Enable
User 300 above.
What is
DL-Windows is a computer program that allows you to program
your ALARM LOCK T3 Security Lock. You do not need DL-
Windows to program your lock, but it makes programming much
faster and easier. With DL-Windows, you can quickly create Lock
Programs (programs that make the lock perform its many func-
tions) add multiple Users (who have access), add ProxCards
keyfobs, retrieve event logs, and create Schedules. The
benefit of DL-Windows is that it allows you to set up all lock pro-
gramming in advance (on your computer), and then later send the
information to the locks at your convenience. For more informa-
tion, see OI237.
Terminology Used in this Manual (cont'd)