Function Card #6
Function Cards 3 through 7 are not recognized by DL-Windows. Therefore, DL-Windows will not send the data for
Function Cards 3-7 to the AL-DTM, nor will the AL-DTM be able to send this Function Card data to the PL3500
lock. Accordingly, Function Cards are designed to be used for limited-use installations where DL-Windows will not
be used. When User Numbers are printed in the Audit log, Function Cards 3-7 will appear as User Numbers
Initiates AL-IR1 Printing With Time, Date, Version Number and Audit Trail Log
Function Card #6 is used to initiate the printing of the Audit Log by the AL-IR1 Wireless Printer. The time,
date and version number will also be printed. The AL-IR1 is optically linked to the PL3500 lock via infrared light,
and therefore the optical receiver (located at the bottom or at the rear of the printer) must be held approximately 1"
to 4" above the infrared LED (as shown in images below). Be sure fresh batteries are installed in the Wire-
less Printer before proceeding.
Time and date must be set using DL-Windows or the AL-DTM.
Print the Audit Log as follows:
1. Turn on the printer.
2. Place AL-IR1's optical receiver approximately 1" to 4" above the infrared LED (as shown below).
3. Present Function Card #6 to the lock. The lock will beep twice (and flash a green LED).
4. After a 2-second delay, the PL3500 lock will send the infrared signals to the printer.
5. If more than 20 log entries exist in the lock, after the 20th entry a line will print: "More?". The lock will
beep twice every second (with a green LED) for 15 seconds. (If there are less than 20 log entries, the
lock will end the printing sequence and return to normal operation).
To continue printing, re-present a card to print the next 20 Logs (during which the beeping and flashing
will stop). Step 5 will be repeated if more logs exist.
If a card is not presented, the lock will end the printing sequence within 15 seconds (signified by a red
LED and two beeps), after which the lock will return to normal operation.
Turn off the printer when not in use.
Function Card # 6
Paper Compartment
Optical Receiver
(Located at rear for
some models)
Print Head
Power ON
AL-IR1 to PL3500 (side and front views)
Optical Receiver
(Located here for
some models)