Function Card #3
Function Cards 3 through 7 are not recognized by DL-Windows. Therefore, DL-Windows will not send the data for
Function Cards 3-7 to the AL-DTM, nor will the AL-DTM be able to send this Function Card data to the PL3500
lock. Accordingly, Function Cards are designed to be used for limited-use installations where DL-Windows will not
be used. When User Numbers are printed in the Audit log, Function Cards 3-7 will appear as User Numbers
Initiates Entry Of New Proximity Cards Starting At User 301
Function Card #3 is used to initiate the entry of new proximity cards into the PL3500 lock. The first proximity
card entered will be assigned to User Number 301; the second card will be assigned to User Number 302,
and so on until all User Numbers are filled. If a User Number is already occupied with a proximity card, the
occupied User Number will be skipped until the next higher unoccupied User Number is found. If all User
Numbers, from 301 through 2000 are programmed, an error will sound with 5 rapid beeps, and the PL3500
will exit this Function and be ready for use.
Users who wish to use Function Cards only (and not DL-Windows) must be in possession of all previ-
ously entered proximity cards in order to remove them (using Function Card #4--see page 19). If the physical
card is not available, the only other way to remove the card from the lock program is to erase all cards and
lock programming (described on page 11, Erase All Programming). Erasing all programming then requires
re-programming the Function Cards and all new proximity cards.
Add new proximity cards, as follows:
1. With all proximity cards to be entered at hand, present Function Card #3 to the lock. The green LED
will flash continuously (with beeping).
2. Present the first proximity card you wish to enroll. When presented, the beeping will momentarily stop,
and the red LED will flash, indicating that the card is enrolled. The proximity card will be assigned to
User 301. The beeping and green LED flashing will continue.
3. Present the second proximity card you wish to enroll. Again, when presented, the beeping will mo-
mentarily stop, and the red LED will flash, indicating that the card is enrolled. The proximity card will
be assigned to User 302.
4. You can continue entering cards in this way, automatically incrementing the User number with each
presentation of a card. If you wish, you can keep track of the enrolled cards and their distribution by
using the Record Sheet located on page 25.
5. When finished, simply present a previously enrolled card (or after 25 seconds without a card presenta-
tion), and the lock will automatically end the enrollment sequence (beeping and flashing will stop).
The lock will be ready for use.
If you wish, you can keep track of the enrolled cards and their distribution by using a photocopy of the
Record Sheet located on page 25.
Function Card # 3