Windows Media Preferences
Windows Media Player Preferences
The Windows Media Player Preference settings alter the system registry and take effect only
after a reboot.
Windows Media Player may operate with reduced functionality until the reboot is
executed. Also, administrator privileges are required to be able to set the Windows
Media Player Preferences.
Settings you can select are as follows:
Output to Xena Board
—When selected, the Windows Media Player will not output
video to its own window on the computer monitor, but will instead play video to
the Xena SDI output.
Output to Windows Media Player Window
—Selecting this restores the Windows
Media Player output to normal.
other applications may be affected by this configuration, if they use Windows
Media Player components for Preview, etc.
If you uninstall the Xena board or move it to another slot, you should first
restore this preference to “Output to Windows Media Player Window“. This will prevent the
use of invalid registry files. If you have more than one Xena board installed in a machine,
only one of them can be configured for output from Windows Media Player. If you try to
configure both for Windows Media Player output, you may get invalid registry files.
Technical Note:
The mechanism used to perform Windows Media Player re-
configuration involves making changes to the registry, and adding files to your
WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 directory. Original registry settings are saved to files in the
directory where you installed the Xena Control Panel (C:\Program
Files\AJA\XenaSDControlPanel by default). There are six registry files saved; they are:
Registry_DefaultVideoRenderer; Registry_FilterClassMgr_VMR1;
Registry_FilterClassMgr_VMR2; Registry_PlayerDMOs;
Registry_VideoMixingRenderer; and Registry_VideoRenderer. When Media Player
configuration is restored to normal, these saved registry settings are restored. Note that
these settings are specific to your machine, and even to the particular PCI slot where
the Xena board is installed.
Video Processing Settings
Video Processing
tab in the Windows Media Settings Control Panel allows you to
actively use the built-in video processing capabilities of the Xena card. On this tabbed page
you can select video sources, and even mix or wipe between them. Although XenaHS only
has one input and output channel, but you can mix/wipe between input video and
framestore video/key.
When the Xena Control Panel Application starts up, video processing is disabled. No
mixing occurs and Channel 1 Video routes to the Output. To enable the video processing,
click the “Enable” checkbox.